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Saturday, November 8, 2008

Homeschool Math Can Be Fun and Games

Finding ways to make math fun and interesting can be difficult. Children need to practice certain skills in math to become competent but doing the same drills again and again isn't much fun.

However, making math fun can be as easy as adding a few games into your daily math routine. Math games can be used to introduce new concepts, practice math skills and consolidate math concepts.

Here are four different types of math games to consider using in your Home School math program.

Math Board Games

Board games can be used to teach different math skills. Commercial board games are available but these can be expensive and often one board game will only teach or practice one skill. A better alternative is to involve the children in making their own board games or look for ready made board games that can be printed from the internet.

Math Card Games

Math card games can be played with a simple deck of cards or with specially designed cards. Simple match up games are easy to make with cards having an equation on one card and the answer on the matching card. This can be played like Memory or Concentration. Children simply turn over 2 cards at a time and if they match they get to keep the cards.

Pencil and Paper Games

Many games can be played with just a pencil and paper. Everyone knows the word game Hangman but not everyone knows that Hangman can be adapted to a math game. Simply choose an equation and draw a dash for each of the numerals and signs in the equation, e.g. 24+18=42 would be recorded as 8 dashes _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Children then guess the signs and the numerals (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). Write the sign or numeral on the dash for each correct guess and draw a part of the hangman for each incorrect guess. HINT: If you don't like the idea of drawing a hangman, just change it to something else and play 'Racing Car' or 'Robot' instead. Just decide upon the shape to be drawn before you start.

Other Games

Many math games can be played with little or no equipment. Twenty Questions can be played with no equipment at all. One player thinks of a number within a set range, e.g. between 0 and 100. The other player/s asks questions about the number until they guess what the number is. Each question can only be answered with yes or no, e.g. Is it an odd number? Is it larger than 50?

Tips for selecting Math Games for Home School Math

- Make sure that the instructions are simple, clear and easy to follow.
- Make sure that the game will challenge the ability level of your child without being so difficult that it will frustrate them.
- Ensure that everyone is aware of all of the rules.
- Involve children in making and selecting the games to give them a sense of ownership of the games. This way they will be even keener to play as they will regard it as 'my game' or 'the game that I made'.
- Let your child know why you are playing the game - what they will get from playing the game.

Get creative and you will find that there is no end to the number of games that you can use to increase math skills and increase math fun.

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4 of the More Popular Home Schooling Methods

The picture for most of home schooling is 2 or 3 kids sitting at the dining room table writing frantically in their notebooks. This is the not the true picture. There are several methods of home schooling, and the method you choose will decide the material and the way you teach it. Some of the more popular methods are discussed below.

The Charlotte Mason method:

Charlotte Mason is known as the founder of the home schooling movement. A home schooled herself, she was very hopeful in her ability to plan out a program for an effective a complete education. A program that would hold the interest of children and still be educational.

This method focuses on the basics with an emphasis placed on classical literature, poetry, fine arts, classical music and craft. Mason used several of books from classical literature; she called these 'Living Books'. This method encourages a passionate awareness of literature. The child is read to daily from the 'Living Books'. Then the child is asked to give an opinion on what was read. This process begins at the age of six, and by ten the child is expected to write her opinions in her book. Mason also suggests the use of a nature diary. After each short and interesting lesson, the child is asked to go to on a nature walk and draw observations from Nature. Thus the child also gains a sense of respect for her environment. Mason believed that development of good character and behavior was essential to the complete development of the child's personality.

The Eclectic Home schooling:

This is a mixture of various home schooling techniques. Here, the parents trust their own judgment and pick out the topics that make the best curriculum for their child. Such parents are continuously on the watch for the best products that will meet the needs of their home schoolers. Most Eclectic home schooling studies are improvised. This means that the basic curriculum is provided. The parents then make changes in the curriculum to meet the needs and interests of their children. The childrens gifts, impermanent, learning style and interests determine the curriculum. Eclectic programs include visits to the museum, libraries and factories.


A Boston public educator name John Holt laid the beginnings of the unschooling method. He believed that children learned best when they are free to learn at their own pace and when they are guided by their own interests. His message was to 'unschool' the child.

This method is a hands-on approach to learning, where the parent takes definite cues from the children. There is no definite curriculum, schedules or materials. This method is the most unstructured of the various homeschooling techniques.

The Montessori Method:

This method began in Italy, when it was observed that children have acute sensitive periods, during which they undergo periods of intense concentration. During such phases, a child will repeat an activity till he gains a measure of self-satisfaction. The Montessori Method depends on a prepared environment to facilitate learning. All the materials used in this method are designed to satisfy the inner desire for spiritual development of the child. The materials used progress from simple to complex, and are rather expensive.

These are just a few of the methods of homeschooling. Whatever the method, the underlying factor is flexibility and a keen interest in the desires of the child. The secret is to use the childrens desire for knowledge to further his education.

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Homeschooling Family

Part of the definition of family is "persons related to one another in various ways, not necessarily by blood"; thus a homeschooling family can be a child with both parents, one parent, or a child with a legal guardian. Anyone who has a school age child and a determined desire to receive the benefits available to those who choose to school at home, can do it. It is worth every effort.

The family that chooses to work together in the homeschooling effort will find that it is strengthened and unified. As more people become aware of this and the many other advantages that are available to the homeschooling family, so does this type of schooling become increasingly popular. For those who place a supreme value on relationships and integrity there will be no real disadvantages to homeschooling.

If you have school age children and you desire the very best possible relationships with them, becoming a homeschooling family is something you will want to investigate. It is an exciting way in which you can not only ensure that your child is given the education you want for them, but also a way you can instill many other ingredients into their lives, such as responsibility, compassion, listening skills, respect, faith, etc. In this process you can enable your whole family to build stronger ties with one another than you may have thought possible. Your family can become strongly connected in a loving, healthy way which is rare in today's world.

If you are a single parent, don't stop reading. It is possible for you also to homeschool your child if that is truly your wish. Regardless of the circumstances, the benefits of homeschooling are available to all who are committed to achieving them.

One of the advantages for the homeschooling family is the emotional bonding bonding that can grow between parent and child. This will happen automatically as a result of the time spent together if caring, kindness and respect are the rule. If the parent takes a genuine interest in their child in all respects, emotionally and academically, a close relationship will develop that brings joy to both parties. This is one of the most positive results reported by parents who homeschool.

A second major potential available to homeschoolers is another classic benefit given by many parents. It is that of being able to live on a daily basis as a full-time family. Other types of schooling which take the child away from the family, prevent this from happening. Because schooling at home can be so varied in it's modes of education, every aspect of daily life can be a meaningful part of the homeschooling process as well as the strengthening of the family unit.

Another desirable reality for the homeschooling family is that they can join together in doing all kinds of projects such as gardening, shopping, hiking, volunteer work, home repairs, or even a business venture. Each of these projects can be an important part of the child's education, during which many different areas of their academics are covered even as you learn to work together as a family and a team.

This list of possible projects in which you can incorporate both academic and character lessons, can be as long as your imagination. It may at times amaze you how all the normal daily family routines and activities can be keyed to and part of the required subjects you need to cover in giving your child an education.

There are many more pleasurable as well as beneficial advantages to be enjoyed by the family who schools at home that will be unique to each family. Since there is no specific method you must follow, you can search for inspiration before during and after the homeschooling has begun. As often as possible, give yourself time and opportunity for exposure to new and helpful ideas to use in the school of your home.

Looking now for a moment at the single parent who desires to homeschool, but who may be thinking it cannot be done, take heart, there is much to encourage you. Not only is it possible, but it is already being done by many parents in similar circumstances. The only actual prerequisites are a willingness to think innovatively (creatively), and then have the persistence to follow through. For instance, if you are a single mother, a typical path that might seem inevitable would be getting a job out of the home and sending your child to public school. But if you genuinely see the need and have the desire to homeschool, you can pursue a less conventional path and make the homeschooling happen. The options for those who wish to work at home in our culture are nearly endless. Perhaps you would need to do some research before deciding which of those money making alternatives would fit you and your family best, but you can find one that works for you and thus be able to homeschool at the same time. It may take some trial and error, as well as a great deal of perseverance, but if you prize the rewards of homeschooling, all will be worth it in the end.

Anyone can find a way to become a homeschooling family if that is their determined desire. "Where there is a will there is a way" was never a more applicable quote than in the case of those who dream of homeschooling their children.

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Being Prepared For Homeschooling

When we talk about being prepared for homeschooling we mean understanding the basic principles and the general framework that a parent will build upon. You cannot read or write, nor can any other learning be undertaken without first learning the basics, or the alphabet of the language being spoken. It is the same with homeschooling. Here we will try to cover a few of the main concepts needed in order to start a homeschool that will be overflowing with rich benefits for all involved.

We have chosen three important areas of preparing to homeschool: what we want to accomplish most by homeschooling, how we can best prepare as teachers, and how to conduct your homeschool.

What Do I Most Want To Accomplish?

This is the first and most basic issue that you will need to establish before you begin to homeschool. If you are unclear in your mind as to exactly why you are preparing to remove your child (or not enroll them) in public school, then you will struggle to give a competent answer to the local school board, to select the most beneficial curriculum, to stay focused and motivated, etc.

Your answer to what you want most to accomplish could be any one of many reasons people have, such as teaching curriculum that is more acceptable to your values; being able to instill your religious beliefs as your children learn; saving your child from the trauma of separation from the family until they are ready; keeping them from negative peer influence till they are old enough to stand strong; avoiding the unsafe conditions that have developed in many public schools, and many others.

You will probably have no difficulty zeroing in on the highest priority for your family, and may even have several reasons of equal importance. It will be helpful for you to write down your intentions and desires regarding what you want to accomplish most, and then spend the time needed to thoughtfully consider what you can do to implement these.

For example, if one of your main desires is to incorporate Christian values into your daily lesson plans you can accomplish that in one of several different ways. The easiest would be to purchase one of the many available curriculums already designed for Christian families and complete with everything you will need to teach your child. That includes workbooks, teachers manual, and activity planners and in some cases even materials for projects.

Another option would be to formulate your own lesson plans so that the subjects include elements of your beliefs. You can start from scratch and use Bible stories or christian literature to teach English, reading, spelling and so forth. You can create math problems and choose history lessons which have a focus on character and moral value. Or you can choose an inexpensive and basic curriculum and combine that with your own ideas to build a faith based plan for the school year.

How Can I Best Prepare To Teach My Child?

In being prepared for homeschooling it is vital to understand that the parent/teacher does not have to know or understand everything ahead of time. It is acceptable to learn even as your child learns, and especially as they enter the high school years. A parent does need a good grasp on the fundamentals in subjects such as reading, writing and math. However, the highest need in preparing to teach is being determined to be a good student yourself; a learner constantly open to gaining knowledge and understanding and growth in every area of your own life.

It is also important to do your research on what is available and what will be most effective and fitting for your children's particular needs and your family as a whole. A willingness to invest whatever time and energy necessary for everyone's good is paramount.

Most states do not require parents to be certified teachers in order to homeschool their child. Many parents have what it takes to guide their child through the schooling process but do not have degrees in education. Parenting is a God given responsibility, which parents can grow and improve in, but which does not require certification. So do not be intimidated by your own lack of credentials if that is the case. Humility on your part and teamwork between you and your children, is most important in making schooling easier, more enjoyable and successful.

Note: There are those who will say that an air of authority should be maintained by the parent, however it has been observed repeatedly that it is better to achieve an air or environment of cooperation and an "understanding" of authority. This prevents undue stress and deepens relational bonds.

How Will I Conduct My Homeschool?

This question brings home the wonderful awareness that every aspect and direction you take in setting up your homeschool, is purely your choice. Nothing must be done as it has been done before. Once you have determined what is available to you, you can set up a 3 day schedule with 9 to 5 hours; a 5 day schedule with half days; you can choose to school in the back yard, at the kitchen table or in a schoolroom; you can follow an exact curriculum you have purchased, or map out your own lessons from day to day. Creativity can be unlimited and your imagination can be utilized to great advantage. Therefore the answer as to how you will conduct your homeschooling, is to conduct it in any way you believe (based on your study) will achieve the two ends of: academic success and emotionally/spiritually healthy children. This power of choice is is one of the greatest benefits of homeschooling.

There are of course many other areas we could list in being prepared for homeschooling, as well as more detail to the aspects of those we covered. As in every area of homeschooling it would be wise, motivating and beneficial to regularly go on quests for more practical and specific information regarding how to improve your homeschool.

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