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Wednesday, October 29, 2008

7 Tips For a Dynamic Homeschool Experience

When parents take on the task of homeschooling, they are committing to their childrens' education in a major way. Sometimes, we find as parents, the ideal is somewhat lacking from the reality. My family has gone through a number of homeschool "format" transitions. The following is a list of things we have done to make our homeschool more engaging and effective.

1. Be available as a teacher. We teach our children at every opportunity throughout the day, but there is quite a bit of time that Mom and Dad need to be working on their own projects, like work, for example. We have found that a scheduled time for the children to access us as teachers is effective. They know, for instance, that between 10:00am and 12:30pm we are available to help them with their studies. This is also the time they are supposed to be doing their computer work, which is where most school questions in our format emanate from.
2. Find a computerized curriculum. We use Alpha Omega's Switched on School House. We only use the Math, Language Arts, and Bible curriculums. We teach other subjects in a more "personal" manner. We use our stated "teacher" time to follow up on each child's progress.
3. Make daily follow up happen. By checking up on your childrens' work daily, you can stay abreast of what they are working on and at what pace. Also, you can identify problem areas and look for solutions to help them learn before they get frustrated. This is critical with a computerized curriculum. We have found in the past that our children will languish in confusion before they will ask for help.
4. Have your children write short papers weekly. There are many benefits to these papers. Children need to learn to express themselves through the written word is one of the most important. Another benefit is writing teaches children to think and express themselves in ways they never knew they could. Also, you can monitor handwriting. There is nothing that improves handwriting like writing. Do not allow them to key their papers until they meet your handwriting standards.
5. Encourage children to pursue their interests. Our first writing assignment of the year is for our children to write three paragraphs on what they would like to learn and why. This paper can be on anything. This gives the children the feeling of empowerment in his/her education, because we use this paper to dictate some of what we teach. My son wants to learn to build a go-cart, so that will be one aspect of his homeschool. One of my daughters wants to learn to write cursive, so that will be an individualized lesson for her.
6. Encourage outside reading. Reading is not only critical in education, it is contagious among children. My son was not a reader until he began to feel left out when his sisters were talking about a good book they both had read. He now reads every night.
7. Everyday life is a homeschooling opportunity. Our children cook. Every day. They rotate daily. They cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, with parental oversight, of course. This is a great area to teach applied math principles, chemistry and cultural lessons without them feeling like they are in school. The children also wash dishes and laundry, sweep and mop floors, clean bathrooms, etc. Too often, children get sent out into the world without the basic hands-on knowledge of how to maintain a home. Incentive for them to complete their chores in our house is; in order to get computer "free time" chores must be completed. Once Mom or Dad checks them off, they earn computer time. Teaching everyday life lessons is most likely one of the most important qualities homeschooling offers.

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Homeschool Ideas - Simple Ways to Make Learning Fun

Has your homeschooling routine become dull and uninspiring? Do your children groan, complain and beg you for frequent breaks? Here are some simple homeschool ideas that will put the fun back into your homeschool curriculum!

* Reading and language arts are essential components of every homeschool program. You don't have to assign workbook exercises to help your child build valuable reading skills. Play crossword puzzles, read joke books, have a family book club or poetry night. Post a word you want your children to learn on your refrigerator every week. Keep track of how often the word is used in context and give a prize to the person who uses it the most frequently.
* Teaching math is fun and easy when you reinforce its value in everyday life. Show your children ways you use math when budgeting, shopping, playing sports or traveling. Building is a great way to teach math and geometry. Help your children build a toy box or clubhouse, or work together on household repairs. Younger children can build with Legos, blocks or K'nex.
* Journaling, letter writing and scrap booking are great activities for budding writers. Reluctant writers may want to practice writing jokes or use their computer skills to create a blog or website. Creating a newsletter is a great family writing project. Assign different tasks to each child, or have children work as a team. This newsletter will serve as a record of events and activities your family has enjoyed.
* Head outdoors to give your children a break from their regular routine. Sit under a tree and read your favorite read aloud, complete assignments on an outdoor picnic table. Take a walk or roller blade between lessons, or eat lunch on a blanket in the backyard. This will not only give your children a boost of fresh air, it gives them a chance to observe nature - that's science!
* Divide your family into teams and choose a subject for debate. Help your children research the topic and prepare convincing arguments. Your children will learn about current events and history, and develop valuable public speaking skills. Instead of choosing a winner, reward both teams for a job well done!

Don't forget to play homeschool games like Chess, card games and board games with your children. Adding a game night to your weekly routine will provide your family with valuable opportunities for learning and bonding.

Here are some additional homeschool ideas.

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