Waldorf Homeschooling
If you are searching for a creative and integrated approach to homeschooling then Waldorf inspired homeschooling might be appropriate for you.
Waldorf education was developed by an Austrian scientist and philosopher by the name of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) at the beginning of the Twentieth Century. It is part of a broader philosophical approach he developed called Anthroposophy (literally wisdom or knowledge of man).
The Waldorf private school movement is now established worldwide. A Waldorf school seeks to bring out in each child an enthusiasm for learning and a development of innate talents and abilities based on curriculum that is geared to the developmental stages of childhood. Imaginative or pictoral learning rather than textbook learning is stressed, especially throughout the elementary years, with an intent to educate the whole child-the heart,the hands, as well as the head. A hallmark of Waldorf education is the main lesson concept where a particular age appropriate area is focused on in greater depth for a period of three to five weeks, for example a unit of Botany in fifth grade or a unit of Roman history in sixth grade.
Waldorf inspired homeschooling cannot duplicate a private school classroom but it is now a well established and respected method of homeschooling. There are a number of different curriculum providers selling comprehensive yearly curricula. They can be found by doing a Google search under Waldorf Homeschooling. There are good online Waldorf Supply stores and book stores that can supply the materials and main lesson books that are needed to follow this approach (Google search Waldorf Supplies and Waldorf Books). Some stories and materials are available free on line at the Baldwin Children's Project (www.mainlesson.com). Also, eclectic curriculum internet sites tag and topic some Waldorf inspired internet resources and ideas on their site such as Lesson Pathways.
It is recommended that a parent join a support group of other Waldorf homeschoolers. Some are free on Yahoo and one quite comprehensive paid subscription site is a forum called Waldorf-at-Home. There are also individual and curriculum based consultants that can provide support and share knowledge in this teaching method as well.
Remember to do some research into any curriculum method and know what costs and challenges may be involved in the method. Join a support group, especially if you are new to Waldorf and be sure and use the wealth of resources available to you on the internet. Enjoy the journey!
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jennifer_Gray
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