How Do I Start Homeschooling My Child?
There are many parents nowadays that are asking, "How do I start homeschooling my kids?", and with good reason. This is a great question and it deserves some attention to get a meaningful answer. Frankly there are several ways to begin homeschooling.
If you have the time you can start gathering books about homeschooling from friends, family, the local library and bookstores, etc. But this leads to more questions: How do I know what books to buy?, How many is enough?, Did I cover everything that I need to do?... You may even begin to wonder if homeschooling is a good idea.
I have been homeschooling our 5 kids for over 10 years. I started by using the method described above. Although it was effective, it was time consuming. I started this process when our oldest child was 3 years old, so I had some time to figure this all out before she reached school age. I read a boatload of books, went to conferences, and talked with several people (many of them several times each) until I felt that I was ready to start homeschooling my children.
Looking back I wouldn't suggest this method as my top recommendation. If you have kids that are preschool age then I would suggest that you find someone you trust who has gone before you. There must be a homeschool group or friend/acquaintance that isn't too far away. The internet is a good place to find helpful folks too, and you can't beat the convenience. Let them coach you along. Most homeschoolers are more than happy to help others get started. My husband and I have helped several families over the years.
Begin teaching your child where they are and keep learning yourself. Keep asking questions and seeking advice and information from your mentor: How did you teach this?, What did you use?, How did you keep their interest?, What about the law?, etc. By the time your first child is old enough to officially enter kindergarten you will be confident in what you need to do and where you are going.
If your children are already of school age and you need to get a crash course, I would still suggest the same thing. Find a mentor. They've been there and can save you oodles of time and effort as well as your sanity!
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